Who will be brave enough to try this?
Nettle soup recipe
Alternatively, use some gloves to forage them. Pick only the top 4 leaves (nice and tender)
Collect a whole bag of them. Wash them twice in cold water using kitchen tongues.
In a cooking pot, add some vegetable oil or, like me, 25g of butter.
Cut and gently fry 1 white onion, until translucent.
Add your nettles (using the kitchen tongues).
Add a couple of medium-large potatoes (diced). This are the thickening ingredients.
Add some water to cover your vegetables.
Add a stock cube (Vegetable or chicken)
Season with salt and pepper
Now, this is the magic touch (not compulsory though), you can add a leaf or two, or even a flower of wild garlic to the mix. This is next level scrumptious but don’t let it stop you if you haven’t got any nearby. You can add a garlic clove instead.
Once it’s boiling, cook for about 15 min (until the potatoes are cooked)
Blend… et voila! Savour it as it is or add a splash of cream or milk if you fancy.
If I can inspire five of you to make nettle soup this season, I’d be super chuffed! So please let me know if you do and what you think!
I believe Mother Nature grows one of the best plants for us all to consume, right under our nose.
Little note on foraging thoughtfully: Always make sure you leave plenty for nature to thrive (think of the plant itself but also of the animals depending on it). Take only what you need and from a place where the plant is abundant.